
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Here Come More Projects To Dream Up!

As though I don't have enough crafting that I want to do (in the limited amount of time I have to do it in), I caved and bought some super cute fabrics online that are just begging to be made into some fun new items. And here they are - ta da! I got these from a great Etsy shop: Lucky Kaeru and she was so awesome fast I ordered it Saturday and had in Monday! I am going to try to get the toy project and clothes for me finished before I start working with these, but it'll be tough to wait.

I'm way in love with the snail one (Robert Kaufman's Creatures & Critters) - it's not even funny how much I like this print. Definitely need to make some wearables for the kiddies out of this one and I may have to get the other color combos.... The one on the left is Michael Miller Kid Cut-Ups which I'd been eyeing for a while. The one on the right is a a Japanese import by Minny Muu that has a constant stream of script all in French. Since I was a French major, this was a need to have fabric. It'll be educational for the kids, right? Hehe. I've seen a few hedgehog Japanese imports that are way cute (I have a thing for hedgehogs and had one as a pet back in the day), but I can't bring myself to pay the pricier yardage until I have a definite project in mind for the hedgies. Oh the possibilities with all of these...


  1. I found you!! Yay! Look at you blog. This is pretty amazing. I can't believe how much you've accomplished since you started! And I love those hooded sweatshirts (what pattern are those, by the way?) and that diaper is so cute! You'll have to share where you found that PUL. Or did you say? Off to go check...

  2. I'm so glad you found me here! I'm so addicted to making things since you helped get me going:) The pattern is Butterick 5164. I used that as a base for sizing for my reversible pants too. The PUL is from Celtic Cloth - she has the most selection I've seen of print PUL that isn't cotton. May have to get some more to start on those training pants...hmmm..


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