Our little guy turned 3 on Friday and we had a fun family party that turned out great. I'd wanted to make a gift for him since I'd done the fabric cottage for his brother's birthday last month, so I literally threw this playmat together so I'd have something in time. The best part was that I didn't buy anything to make it. I used the same plastic netting & batting that was left over from the cottage and some scrap fabric I had laying around. I stitched it all together, made some handles to make it portable and boom - a farm mat to go with the farm animals he got as a gift from my parents.

This was a great chance to try out some of the fancy stitches on my machine. I used those to make the garden "plantings". Had I more time, I'd have made more details on it, but it's given me some ideas for a city theme mat they can play cars on.
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