Just in time for the humid weather! I love how practical headbands are for looking polished & keeping hair off the face, but hate the hard ones (they always give me a headache) and I never really find the soft ones in colors I like or that will actually stay put. Enter this idea. While hemming some stretch lounge pants I was about to toss the circular strip that I'd cut off each leg, I realized they were about the perfect size for a headband. So here's what I did:
- Fold over the one raw edge to the wrong side
- Topstitch in place with matching thread next to the original hem stitching
- Wear headband!

Since I had 2 of the same I decided to use some multicolored thread & a decorative stitch on one, but you could add ribbon, beads, whatever to make it look custom & fun. I've got several more pairs in my "to-hem" pile, so I'll be getting more creative with decorating as my collection expands. Free, simple and nothing gets wasted!
nice tutorials - thanks for sharing