
Thursday, June 4, 2009

Oh Brother!

It's Sewing Machine Month on Sew Mama Sew, so here's a little info on the little guy who makes my sewing dreams come true.

What brand and model do you have?

Brother SE270D

How long have you had it?

Only 11 months, but it has become my new best friend

How much does that machine cost (approximately)?

When I bought it, I got a special sale price on Amazon of $255, but it's now $395

What types of things do you sew (i.e. quilting, clothing, handbags, home dec projects, etc.)?

Everything & anything - clothes, home decor, bags - even vinyl I spy bags

How much do you sew? How much wear and tear does the machine get?

Almost daily, so this little guy really takes a beating from me.

Do you like/love/hate your machine?

Every once in a while I'll get a jamb when doing something tricky and wish I had something more "professional grade", but all-in-all, it's a real trooper considering the workout it gets!

What features does your machine have that work well for you?

As someone pretty new to sewing, I loved how easy it was to get familiar and it''s pretty dummy proof: automatic threader & cutter, digital readout when there's a problem and it has tons of stitches & embroidery features.

Is there anything that drives you nuts about your machine?

The bobbin thread tension is never 100% picture perfect no matter how much adjustment I do, but it's not enough to really bother me.

Do you have a great story to share about your machine?

The reason I got this machine is kind of crazy - we were about to go on vacation with cloth diapers for the first time and I needed a jumbo size wet bag, but wouldn't be able to get one shipped to me in time, so I decided to make one. The cheap machine I had and never really used jambed up in the first 2 minutes and wouldn't work (hence the reason it had been dirt cheap & I never really sewed), so my husband picked this one since it seemed to be super easy to operate. It came through on the bag and everything else I've tried since, so I've never looked back!

Would you recommend the machine to others? Why?

Heck yes! A lot of bang for buck - especially since it can do embroidery (which I still haven't gotten around to trying out....)

What factors do you think are important to consider when looking for a new machine?

Has versatility, easy care.

Do you have a dream machine?

Well, a Bernina or a great serger would be nice, to have something more professional grade, but I'm pretty happy with what I've got:)

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