
Friday, October 28, 2011

An Enchanted Fairy Tale Princess Costume

This week has been a race to get all our costumes ready for the Halloween weekend, but I'm finally nearing the finish line and just couldn't wait to show this one I made for my little lady: A Pretty Princess.  I'm so glad she seems to love it as much as I do:) 

I had already made the fleece Princess Hairdo Hat a while back, so I designed a fleecy fairy tale dress to go with it.  Something that would look soft and dreamy, but still be very warm for the chilly evening air.  I made the bodice light pink and added details with ric rac & Bavarian style ribbon, then trimmed the collar with some ivory lace. 

I also decorated the front with coordinating satin florets and then hand sewed a sprinkling of them all over the skirt:

I made godets on the sleeves that echoed the style of the front and accented them with some medieval-style silver buttons:

I also trimmed the hem of the gown with more lace and made puffed shoulders on the sleeves like all good princesses wear them:

I envisioned designing something with a kind of Mary Blair feel.  Sweet and enchanting, like she's just stepped out of the It's A Small World ride or Sleeping Beauty (minus the slightly sourpuss face here):

With her flowing blond "hair" and her dainty manners, she's in all her regal glory.

Not bad for being designed and thrown together in less than 3 days!  On Halloween I'll be revealing the other costumes that have been in the works and show my little trio of trick-or-treaters together.

Sharing this with my FAVE LINK PARTIES too so click HERE to check them out!


  1. How cute! Your beautiful model is getting so big!! x

  2. Wow! That is so impressive! I especially love the hair! Thanks for inviting us to post in your link party. I hope you will come share this in our very first 4th Friday finale!


  3. i LOVE THIS!!!!!!! would it be wrong to make one in my size? :)

  4. Aw! Love the little braid and all the details! We featured this on our Facebook page today from the Fancy This Fridays link up, by the way! :)

  5. Great costume idea, and I love the details - such as the insets in the sleeves!


  6. hy, chanced upon your space while blog hopping..glad I stopped by..
    awesome space you your presentation..
    your little darling is soooooooo sweet with beautiful dress..
    Am your happy follower now..;)
    do stop by mine sometime..
    Tasty Appetite

  7. Gorgeous!!! You did a great job!!!


  8. Super cute! Putting the braid and the hat together=genius!

  9. Un-BE-LEEV- able! OK, note to self, next year get my daughter's costume from you. What was I thinking with Target this year? Never again. Never again. (I owe you a thank you email today, too)

  10. Happy Halloween! Featured your CUTE costume at our Halloween round up today :)

    Thanks for linking up!

  11. adorable, love the hat! thanks so much for sharing on Craft Schooling Sunday, great to see you!


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