
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Sewing For Myself: An Adventure Commences!

I've made a serious decision.  Well, serious for me.  I'm going to start sewing for myself.  That's right - actual nice clothes that are not "mommy uniform" (aka t-shirts and jeans) and pretties like handbags that are not meant to double as diaper or tote bags for kid stuff.  Not that there's anything wrong with what I'm usually making, but I've been stuck in that mode for SO LONG.  I've literally forgotten what being stylish means or taking time to make something just for me.  The skirt above was made 2 YEARS ago.  Yikes it's been a while!

Knowing how to sew is a pro and a con.  Any time I see pretty dresses, skirts or any other chic looking things in stores, I say "No way am I going to pay that.  I could sew my own" and then never do.  A total get-nothing situation.  A few bad experiences with store bought patterns or trying to draft my own left me with many items I've made but don't wear because they don't fit quite right or they just give off that "Hey, I'm homemade!" vibe a little too loudly, so I kind of gave up trying.

But blaming the patterns or a lack of time seems silly.  If I'm able to make complete outfits out of nothing for my kids, and draft all sorts of other things from my imagination lickety-split, there's no reason I can't make some things for me.  So I'm giving it a go and will be sharing my "made just for me" adventures.  With some good sewing books, various found tutorials and trying out new techniques I think it'll be possible to be able to make some cute wearables with the best of them.  I figure I can't be the only one who avoids certain things out of fear, potential disappointment or unknown methods, so by sharing my adventure maybe it will help get others going too (and will keep me motivated now that I've proclaimed it in writing).  

And before anyone gets worried that you won't be seeing stuff for kids, the house or my usual variety of eclectic items here, don't worry, I have LOADS of those in the pipeline.  You'll just see a bigger assortment of projects and some extra Craft Gear 411s too.  I hope you'll be as excited as I am about it.  Now enough with the talking about it, time to get sewing!!


  1. Yay!!! I'm all for ditching the Mummy clothes and making new ones :) Enjoy!
    I've been making a few new bits for myself lately and it feels GREAT! Can't wait to see what you come up with.

    1. This is exactly what I'm hoping for - excitement rather than dread at making things to wear. I'd love to see what you've made so link up those wearables to the Craftastic party to inspire us:)

  2. well that's a prety good decision! I would love to give a try too. Sewing from about 15years now... last time i sew for me... was a teenager and like you didn't fit well so gave up make sew quilt, bag or other not wearable thing! But.... have a tought those past fews days... hoodie with pretty fabric (ok can't find pretty fabric (fleece) but anyway.. skit is so easy, you're right way pay so much for something i can do myself... and have to say there's nothing more beautiful to our ears then that : wow your outfit is so great where did you get it?
    well good luck on your adventure, maybe i'll give a try too!

    1. I hope you'll join me - there are too many great fabric choices out there, we're bound to make something worth wearing!

  3. I do the same thing at the stores, it drives my husband crazy, especially since I am a slow sewist! LOL

    1. Missy - I'm glad I'm not the only one who does that! I guess the one plus is we talk ourselves out of spending money;) Here's to finally getting some things made!!

  4. Good for you!!! It is harder to sew for ourselves! Kids are meant to look cute and it's OK if the outfit's a little big and they have to 'grow into' it. Not so for us!!! I've sewn two things for myself this year, most recently a pair of Zumba pants, and am looking forward to sewing more for myself. I'm sure you'll come up with some great clothes!!!

    1. You've got it right Pam - if one thing is slightly off on a women's item, it's very noticeable. Link up those Zumba pants to the Craftastic party and anything else you make - I love seeing what people are making to wear to inspire me!

  5. Sounds good. I might join you. I'm always too scared to make my own stuff. I've made myself a pair of shorts which I LOVE! Another pair of shorts which are just slightly too big for me so I don't really wear, and a halter top out of an xl tshirt but I think that's it. Oh other than making shorts out of jeans but I don't think that counts :P

    - Adele @ Mammy Made

    1. We'll go for it together Adele! I'll be posting my successes (and any disasters too) and would love for you to link up any of yours to the Craftastic party. Maybe I'll even make a special wearables feature to get everyone enthused about sewing for themselves...

  6. I love your thread spool rack. All my thread is just thrown into a jar. This is totally way, way cooler! And way to go, sewing for yourself! =)
    Kristina J.

    1. Thanks Kristina! I've got a tour of my updated craft room coming up - I'd had all my thread in jars too and this is much easier to grab from.

  7. I know for me repurposing or redesigning works because it doesn't take as much time to make. I have the same problem with some patterns and also not having enough time to make something from scratch. Enjoyed your article, thanks!

    1. Lorraine - I'm just the same. Hopefully my theory that trying a few things and spending time tweaking them will make creating new ones faster in the long run. Stay tuned for some news on that front:)

  8. Yay! I'm looking forward to some fabulous new looks! Maybe we need a skirt night next?? :)

  9. That skirt is so cute! Good luck!

  10. Vraiment très jolie cette jupe !
    Bon week-end.

  11. I think this is great and I'm really looking forward to seeing what you create! I'm so tired of shopping and finding nothing that fits quite right, so I've been thinking about trying to make more of my own clothes, too. It will be fun to learn from your projects--I think it's time for me to dig in and start working on my wardrobe!

    :-) Jean

  12. So excited to see all of the fabulous clothes you make! I love the skirt in the picture - gorgeous pattern! - Erin:)

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