
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Craftastic Link-up, Giveaway News & New Blog of the Week

Welcome to a new Craftastic Week here at Sew Can Do!  I hope everyone had a fun 4th of July (ours was ridiculously hot all day, followed by massive rain all night).   It's been a real feat taking pics of projects outside  - my camera was literally fogging up because it was so humid.  Thank goodness it's finally cooling down!

But the happenings here are still hot - I've got lots of giveaway news.  First, a new fabric giveaway is coming up very soon (so those of you following on Twitter keep an eye out for a special heads-up on when it will start).

Second, the winner of the Pellon Fashion Sewing Giveaway was: 
Congratulations Jessie!  And thanks to Pellon for providing such a great prize.

~AND~ My giveaway for a $25 gift certificate to Crochet by Allie is still open.  You could win your choice of some lovely custom-crocheted accessories like this adorable princess crown.  Seriously, how cute it this?!? Click HERE to enter.
Now let's see some fabulous features from last week's link party:
I LOVED this stylish baby wipes holder tutorial from Handmade by Funny Rabbit.  So cute & clever!
Hungry Happenings shared a tutorial for Ka-Boom cakes - easy to make and fun to eat:
Cherished Bliss beat the heat with this lovely Pink Lemonade-themed party:
I also feature these projects and more party favorites on the Sew Can Do's Craftastic Picks board on Pinterest.  Follow me there to see more great projects (and if yours is one of them)!
Follow Me on Pinterest

And now for the Craftastic Blog of the Week:
Elegance & Elephants
Elegance & Elephants is the blog of Heidi, a Canadian mom who loves to sew and shares all sorts of great tutorials for making garments, her original children's wear, toys and great technique tips for sewing all sorts of things.  Last week she shared her pleated pocket capri pants:
How can YOU be Craftastic Blog of The Week,
 get a special feature here 
& one week of FREE advertising on my sidebar?  

  • Link up a new project(s)
  • Include the Craftastic Monday Party button in your post(s) or on your sidebar (party pages don't count)
  • Leave a comment below telling me what you linked so I can check it out
One blog that meets the criteria will be selected each week.  More details can be found HERE.

Ready to link up your crafty creations?
Party rules are simple:
  • As long as it's crafty, and made by you, it's Craftastic (no links giveaways, shops, link parties or other people's work).  Add the link to your specific post (not the main page of your blog).
  • Grab my party button & put it on your post or blog somewhere.  The code's on the sidebar -> 
  • Check out some of the other fabulous links and share some crafty comment love.  We all love getting comments!!


  1. I'll have to check out the cute baby wipes holder. Thanks for hosting, Cheryl!

  2. What great ideas! Especially the crochet crown- any little princess will love it! patsy

  3. Hi Cheryl, always a pleasure to be part of your parties!
    Hugs from Spain

  4. I am linking up for the first time in a LOOONG time. Thank you for still being here and still being an amazing blog!

  5. Thanks for the party, Cheryl! Have a great week!

  6. Thank you for hosting, Cheryl. Have a super week!

  7. Thank You for hosting a party!

  8. Thanks for hosting Cheryl, I've linked up no. 71 Boy's Decor - Airplane Bunting. Have a great week!

  9. Hi Cheryl, I am just starting out in the blogging world and have linked up my new easy and cute table runner.

  10. Hi Cheryl, thank you sooooooo much for featuring E & E as blog of the week! Much appreciated!

  11. I posted my Simple Summer Dress above and added your button to my sidebar! Would love to be featured sometime!
    Thanks so much for hosting the party, I will come by every week that I have something new!!!
    Catherine at ToBeContinued

  12. It's hot and this girl needs some cold drinks. Thank goodness for Sweet Iced Coffee (#84). This is a simple recipe, but one people may not think about using Stevia. Have a good morning and thanks for hosting the party again!

  13. Thanks for hosting another great link party! I shared my purse made from an ACU top. Have a great week!
    Amy @

  14. im linking with a crochet doll, hope you like her!!!
    thank you for hosting, have a great week!!!

  15. I'm linking up with my Tinkerbell Rosetta Fairy Dress/Costume. I'm having trouble with the photo showing up though. Maybe it will show up later. Not sure how to fix that!
    Thanks for a great link-up party! So Glad I found you through "Elegance & Elephants" site! I am now a new follower.
    Hope you will check out my blog also and follow if you like it!
    Lisa H.

    1. Thanks so much for joining me Lisa! I've fixed your photo so it appears & others can see how great your costume turned out. I'm now following you back and looking forward to sharing crafting adventures with you!

      And stop by my current fabric giveaway here: for a chance to win some fabrics great for making goodies for the grandkids:)

  16. I'm linking up for the first time! #180. I just started my blog a few weeks ago and I still don't have any followers, yet. :-( Come visit!

  17. Thank you so much for hosting!:)


Getting your comments brightens my day. I'd love if you left one:)