
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Hey, Come On Over! It's Craft Room Tour Time:)

How about you come over to my place today?  Thanks to the internet I can have everyone come visit and not even have to clean up the rest of the house!  I thought I'd share a little tour of my craft room since that's where all my designing & projects start and it's been a while since I gave it some well deserved attention.

I first set up this room 2 years ago and did a little post about it back then.  It was originally a laundry room/mini kitchenette, but for the first few years we lived here it was this disorganized mess:
A real show stopper, I know.  So I re-purposed the heck out of what I had sitting around and, using a budget of $85, transformed it into a useable space.  And this year I spent just a few more dollars and a bit of time re-organizing to make it even more efficient.  Which proves you don't need a huge space or a giant budget to make a little slice of crafting heaven for yourself. So come on in and take a look:

My wood drop-side counter was from the kitchen in our first apartment.  The top is where my cutting machines reside, but below I keep all my adhesives, ironing gear and patterns, stowed out of sight, but within reach:

And all my cutting & marking gear is in the drawer so I can grab it quickly, but little hands can't:
Here's my sewing nook, where both my sewing machines, notions and hardware reside.  It was originally a really deep closet, but we'd taken the doors off to make it into an alcove.  Being right next to the window makes the lighting ideal too.

The shelves keep my favorite print fabrics in plain view, as well as my sewing books and trims.  My entire fabric stash is so ridiculous it doesn't all fit, so there are still box loads in my basement, but at least the prints get to see the daylight;)

Since I don't have a lot of horizontal space for all my ribbon spools, I just threaded them on shoelaces and hung them up so I can easily get to them:
The lighting & lavender wall color make it tricky to get the best photos, but my wall decor is simply canvases with scrapbooking paper (attached with poster putty so I can change them out if desired).  I cut out the lettering by hand back before I had a Cricut or Silhouette and still like it, so it's stayed:

I'd been keeping my threads in big jars by color, but it was tough to find an exact shade without dumping them all out.  I got these inexpensive wooden racks and now my rainbow of threads is easy to see:
This side of my craft room is mostly for my non-sewing projects - all my treat making, paper crafting and decorating stuff:

Here's how I redid my baking cupboard.  I took a bunch of glass jars and empty berry bins to organize all my little things like candies, sprinkles & straws.  I used a bunch of Ikea canvas boxes to organize my things like molds, tools & cake pans so things are contained, but easy to find.

 I also made little cutouts with my Silhouette so each bin could be labeled nicely:
And here's my favorite room update - a customized counter that cost $0!

Before: This counter had a sink, which rarely got used and just took up half the space:

After: Getting a new counter wasn't really an option, so I had my husband cut a piece of MDF from the garage to fit into the sink opening.  I upholstered it with Insul-Fleece and a layer of cute flannel fabric on top to make a big ironing surface.  Since it rests in the lip all the way around the sink it's perfectly lined up with the counter.

Now I have double the workspace and a huge surface to iron on.  Boy, does this make the big ironing jobs easier!
And I also have a special photo of my grandma, the original sewing maven, centered over it.  I wasn't interested in learning to sew when she was alive (so dumb on my part), but she made custom clothing, luxury drapes and was a certified fabric re-weaver.  She was just amazing at anything sewing related - she used to hem my pants with blind hem by hand!  Despite my previous lack of interest I think those skills must be in my genes and am so glad to have inherited that love of sewing from her.

I use this little side closet as my "catch-all" space.  That wooden bit at the top is a laundry shoot, but since laundry comes second to crafting it gets no use in this house.  I keep all my large paper stacks, cards, tape rolls and other paper-related products on the shelves and current projects in the striped bin so I can easily tuck them out of sight if anyone is over.  I saw the trick of cutting strips of scrapbook paper to camouflage the contents of the clear drawers somewhere online - I love how it hides clutter while looking pretty.  And since my fabric collection is um...constantly growing...I've got more fabric stacked up in here too.

Now don't let this facade of organization fool you.  It's not always this neat in here.  Especially when I've got several projects going and my kids wandering in with their sttuff.  And the rest of my house...well, let's just say it's less than tidy most of the time, so it's not like I'll be winning any awards for best kept home.  But this little crafting oasis really makes me feel like I've got my act together:)

Have you got a crafting room, maybe a little corner somewhere or even just a desk with your gear on it?  Go ahead and share it in the comments or via email.  I'm pinning my favorites to a special Craft Room board on Pinterest.   Any space you can craft in is something to be proud of & I'd love to see where you make your crafting magic happen:)

Sharing this with my FAVE LINK PARTIES too-
Click HERE to check them out!


  1. Looks great! Don't you just love spending time in your space?

    1. I do Marty! Getting the time to spend in it is the tricky part.

    2. I feel the same way. Blogging has become such a big part of my life that just "playing" in my scrapbook room doesn't happen as often. Here's my room if you want to check it out. I'm sure I've linked it before. Love your blog!

  2. Wow! What a fun room! I'm in the midst of designing a studio space and the thought of having all my fabrics and trim visible in an organized way just makes me giddy with excitement! Love what you've done with your space!
    Kristina J.

    1. Thanks so much Kristina. I know having my fabrics in plain sight made things a lot more fun (and easier to remember what I've got).

  3. I wish I could say I have a crafting space, but in truth I have a travel sewing kit, a draw, bags of fabric scraps and wherever I can perch my bum!
    Absolutely love your room though - and the oven too! x

    1. Thanks Kayleigh - I like to think as long as you have somewhere to work & the right tools it's a good set up!

  4. First of all, let me tell you - I loove your craft room! Nice job!
    I also wasn't interested in sewing when my grandma was alive, now I regret that deeply.
    Have a nice time in YOUR room :)

    1. I think we're not the only ones that developed an after-the-fact interest. Which is why I try to involve my kids a bit now so they won't miss the chance like I did.

  5. Your Grandma must be smiling down from above to see you sewing in your beautiful new craft room!

  6. I'm in love this all your fabric and ribbons! So colorful!

    1. Thanks!! Being in there always makes things cheery - kind of my crafting rainbow!

  7. Wow, your craft room is amazing!! Great job on the organization, incredible!
    I built a potting bench and that has now become my craft area too. Keep thinking of where I can build a crafting area...think I'll have to steal some part of my husband's workshop. Which would be great 'cause it's with all the tools!
    Love what you did, saw you sharing at Adventures of a DIY Mom
    Debbie :)

    1. What a good idea to use a potting bench! A workshop can be like a time share, right?;)

  8. I LOVE your craft room!!!! Super envious with your stash of fabric, ribbons and that whole range of rainbow thread!!

    1. Aw thanks. It took a while to built it up, but it's so nice to have - I never really "need" to go get more...although that doesn't stop me.

  9. awesome! glad you have your own space. I think what I'm most envious of is that big ironing counter! Here via Someday Crafts, love your blog!
    Stacia @

    1. I love it too Stacia - it was an out of the blue idea and it's been so handy. Can't beat the price either!

  10. Love it! Especially how you did the thread! Now I need to get off the computer and do some organizing of my own.

    1. Thanks Lindsay and I know what you mean. I see so many great things online, but it definitely sucks up the time I could be doing them myself!!

  11. Cheryl, I wish I had a real craft room! I love yours! Everything is well organized!

    Thanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer.. From Dream To Reality!

    1. I did too for a long time, so this really is my treat room (and way to escape the insanity everywhere else). Thanks for hosting such a great party Christine.

  12. One of the best organized spaces I've seen. Really nice!

    1. Wow Cynthia, I'm really honored to hear that - thank you!!

  13. Replies
    1. Thanks Kristy - I have to say it feels fabulous to use it.

  14. Looks awesome Cheryl! I like what you did with the sink. :)

    1. Thanks! I did too - I couldn't believe how easy it was (or how thrifty). Now if only I could come up with clever ideas for free for the rest of the house!

  15. I am so envious that you created a great space for yourself. My crafting room is a pit of despair. Today, I realized that the biggest problem is that I don't have a single shelf or storage area so everythign is literally on the floor. I just don't want to spend a cent on storage, and I keep waiting for magical things to happen that will help me organize. I think shelving is going to have to be the first piece of magic that I invest in because it's impossible for me to enjoy sewing in a room that is such a mess!!!

    1. Sparkling, I know exactly what you mean - I used plastic tubs and old cardboard boxes in my dining room for 2 years. Look around the house for stuff you can re-purpose. That's what I did to get started - I used old mason jars, baskets, a set of drawers I had in a closet, whatever I had in the house and then built up from there. Good luck getting things together. I'll try to continue to share some tips & ideas for organizing on the cheap!

  16. I absolutely love what you and your husband did with the sink area. I never would have thought of this. Such a neat and inventive idea.

    1. Thanks Betsy. We definitely used the "necessity is the mother of invention" method;)

  17. I love your craft space! I wish I was as organized as you! I especially love how you hung the spools of ribbon.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, it's taken me a while to get this organized! Can't beat the price of the ribbon organizing either:$1 shoelaces!

    2. Can you please tell me how you keep the ribbon from falling out? I have lots of washi tape and I think this may be the perfect way to hang them, but the hole in the middle I'd a bit big for shoelaces?
      Than k you!

    3. I threaded a big bead at the bottom (but you could also use a washer) and then tied a double knot.

  18. Love your craft/sewing room! And, the picture of your grandmother is beautiful. Her hands look so dainty. Thank you for sharing. Visiting from Craftionary. Would love it if you would share this at my Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Hope to see you at the bash! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

    1. Thank you so much Kathryn - she would have LOVED that compliment on her hands:) I'll be sure to link up on Monday. Im always glad to discover a new party. I hope you'll link up any goodies you have at my Craftastic Monday party too.

  19. Cheryl, what an awesome remake of your space! LOVE the sewing sweet and colorful! And the sink turned ironing board is such a great idea! Thanks so much for joining me for Pearls and Lace Thursday!!
    blessings, Doni

    1. Thanks so much Doni - I'm pretty proud of that sink re-do!

  20. I love your creative space. Hugs P.S. thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop :-)

  21. Love the crafting and sewing space, looks great! Love the thread holder too!

    1. That thread holder has been so handy and it makes things look pretty too - it's a great combo:)

  22. Cheryl it looks awesome! We love the way everything is organized, especially the ribbon :) The picture of your grandma tops it off like the cherry on an ice cream sundae! What inspiration! We are going to feature your project on our Bowdabra Ribbons & Things Store Facebook page this morning. We hope that is ok! We appreciate you linking it up to our Crafty Showcase! It totally ROCKS! We will probably feature it on that FB page, too, this week.

    1. Thanks so very much Susie and thanks again for sweet feature!!

  23. I am very inspired to organize my sewing space and am jealous of your rainbow of spools of thread. Tucking your sewing space away in a closet is a great idea I will have to remember.

    1. Jenni - it works like a dream and when messy it's easier to hide;)

  24. Your craft space is adorable, and so comfortable looking - it looks like a space you could easily and happily spend hours upon hours in! I love the ribbon and thread...I love it all! Thanks for sharing.

    1. I try to - the time definitely flies by while I'm in there!

  25. I love all the great storage in your craft room. Thank you for linking to the Home Decor and Organizing Link Party. I featured this today and pinned it.

  26. I love your space. I am jealous. Thanks so much for sharing on Tout It Tuesday. Hope to see you tomorrow.

  27. I love what you've done in that space! I'm sure you are loving it!

  28. I love how neat and organized you are! Cheryl my favorite space is your sewing corner and your baking space is on my must-haves list in my home-to-be. :) Thanks for linking up. Have a nice day!

    1. Thanks Hani - I just need to stop staring at the baking stuff and use it bit more than I do!

  29. looks amazing, thanks for the inspiration, and for sharing on craft schooling Sunday!

  30. Cute and SO organized! I dream of that someday soon. Featured this tonight! Thanks for sharing! ~Jami

  31. What an amazing craft space. Saw this at the freckled laundry and had to check it out.
    Love all your ribbons and your rainbow threads !

  32. What a lovely and creative space! So cool that you kept the oven there for your 'edible' crafty side. Lots of great storage tips too. Thanks for sharing at Etcetorize this week~

  33. Oh my goodness...this is amazing!!! I love how you gave featured some things (the fabric, ribbon, thread etc.) but have everything else tucked away. I am redoing a section of my dining room for my craft area so I will remember that as I organize my stuff. Love the photo of your grandma! So sweet!

  34. "Sew" cute! And I love all the genius ideas! Especially the sink turned ironing board!

    I would love it if you linked this up at my link party! You can find it here:

  35. Love it! Where did you get the rack for your thread spools??

    1. The organizing section at Joann's - I used two small racks, so with the coupons it was a pretty good deal.

  36. Absolutely wonderful space now. Thank you for linking it up at our linky party at

  37. great job on your craft room! love that built in ironing board :) ♥ loves!

  38. ~Hi!
    Just love your sewing nook! And am interested to find out where you gor the thread rack? did you buy it as it is, or made it yourself?
    (I have mine in a row of jars like you had before)

    1. It's two smaller racks - I got them in the organizing section at Joann's. If you use the coupons it's a pretty good deal.

  39. Hi Cheryl!
    I just found your blog clicking through Pinterest (I actually landed at thedecoratedcookie ! ) Anyways, I am following you now! I love all he crafty things you share here and I had to come and see your craft room cause I re-did mine not too long ago but I am always looking for new organization ideas within my fellow bloggers! This is my crafts studio Can you tell me exactly how do you thread your ribbon spools with shoelaces? Are they easily accesible??? I have sooo many but they are all stashed in drawers!

    1. Yay Flavia - that's always great to hear! I'm following you back on Pinterest & Twitter:) My ribbon is so easy to use this way and always right in plain sight. I knotted on end at the botton and threaded a big bead to act as a stopper, then threaded the spools on top. Then I knotted a loop at the top to hang them from. I've removed & added spools several times, so for a 50 cent solution it works pretty well!

    2. Thank you! I must try this!

  40. I love the way you hang your ribbons what a great space saver.


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