
Thursday, November 1, 2012

20 Crafty Makes: Supporting A Very Special Book Launch

I'm very proud to share that there's a new craft book launching today and I'm one of the artists included in it!  I was asked by the team behind 20 Crafty Makes if I'd like to contribute a project for this craft book and immediately said yes.  All the proceeds from this book are going towards a charity I wholeheartedly support: the UK Stroke Association, which is now in its twentieth year.

When I was very small, my grandfather suffered a massive stroke, followed by many smaller strokes over a few short years.  He was left completely paralyzed on one side and unable to walk, talk, or even write.  Literally trapped in his body and with none of the helpful technology we have today.  It was devastating & life-changing for our entire family.

My grandmother, a tiny 5' woman, took care of him, without outside help, for the remaining 10 years of his life.  Growing up it was normal to me to only be able to see him in his room at home or in the hospital.   Leg braces, wheelchairs and other medical equipment were part of daily life. Back then there really weren't any treatments available for cases like his and zero support for dealing with the effects of strokes.  It means a lot to see an organization providing emotional and practical support and funding stroke research so other families don't have to experience the same difficulties ours did.

Here's a sneak peek at the Sew Can Do contribution to the book:

Since I live in the US I won't be able to go the launch party tonight, but for anyone who lives in the Nottingham area of the UK, it will be hosted at The Orange Tree and there will be live music, craft stalls & demos and of course the book itself:

They'll also be raffling off some fantastic prizes including completed projects from the book!  I created this special version of my project as a prize contribution:

The book is available for purchase on Folksy for just £5 ($8), as well as via email request if you're in the USA (at  An eBook version will be coming out soon.  You can also follow the latest 20 Crafty Makes news on Twitter and Facebook.  Take the opportunity to add a fun new craft book to your collection and support a valuable cause at the same time.


  1. You made a great project for a great cause. Thanks, Cheryl. I will be purchasing a book to support the group.

  2. Wow Cheryl how cool is that!
    I'm a follower of your blog and started crafting about a year ago, 2 years after surviving a big stroke at the age of 35.
    Being able to make something with my hands gives me purpose and is a life saver!

    I'll be on the lookout for the book!

    1. Ragna, I'm so sorry to hear you've had to go through it and at such a young age. It's so good to hear you're crafting and it's giving you something to enjoy (and be proud of!). Thanks so much & you can find the book at Folksy with the link above and I'll be sharing info on how to get the eBook when it comes out too:)

  3. I am so excited for your part in this book. Congratulations!

    Thank you too for taking the time to stop by my blog and leave such a sweet comment.


    1. Thanks Melissa - it feels great to be in a book and for a cause that means a lot to me. I really hope it will generate some much needed funds.


Getting your comments brightens my day. I'd love if you left one:)