
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Gymboree-Style Accessory For Cheap: DIY Boutique Hairbands

It's taken 3 long years, but my daughter finally has enough hair to need a few accessories. And it's been quite a shock to see the prices on those babies.  A pair of decorative hairbands (aka pony holders) costs around $6 at places like Gymboree.  Buy a few & it's a small fortune! So when I saw their cute sunflower set a few months back and then found some similar buttons, it got me thinking how to recreate the look: DIY Boutique Hairbands.

I got a package of basic covered hairbands in a colorful assortment (from Target - about $2.50 for 48) and several packages of shank plastic buttons in cute shapes (from the craft store - about $6 for 27).  To make them:

Take a small piece of thread and loop it around the hairband.
Pull the thread ends through the button through the shank (loop) to get the hairband through:
 Then loop one end over the other and pull:
 This is what it will look like:
Now you've got a single embellishment hairband for around 27 cents.

Just as cute and durable as the boutique ones, but several dollars cheaper:
Add another button on the opposite end to make the kind you can wrap around (double bead pony holders):
 This style is great for securing wispy hair like my toddler's:
For the price of a set or two from a shop you can make over 30 of your own in lots of colors & designs. In just minutes.  Easy and affordable is a look this mom can really love!

Sharing this with my FAVE LINK PARTIES too-
Click HERE to check them out!


  1. Good tip on the thread pull through! I love this- we've probably got another year here until ponytails haha Slowly but surely...

    1. Just hang in there. It took us 3 years and we've still got a long way to go in the front;)

  2. Super cute!

    Found you through the Claiming Our Space link party. :)

  3. That's cute! My daughter doesn't wear a lot of fun hair stuff, but a set of these would be great to have. Or even for myself, but with more grown-up buttons... =)

    1. Yes - you could some really stylish ones for yourself and just as easy!

  4. Love it! Great creativity! Wonderful gift idea for a little girl, too.

    1. Thanks Noreen and you're right - you could customize them with favorite motifs or personalize them (and still save a bundle!).

  5. Can I just say you are a genius! I am heading to Target today and will pick up some hair bands. I already have some fun buttons. Just pinned!

    1. Aw thanks Vicky. I was searching all over for the old school bead ones and thought there's got to be a way to make these. Definitely share some pics when you make yours - I'd love to see them:)

  6. I'm so going to make some!!! Thanks Cheryl! They are so cute!

    Thanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer... From Dream To Reality!!

    1. It's so quick and fun Christine - you'll never have to buy them again! Definitely share yours here when you make them:)

  7. Oh my gosh, the Seniors I work with (average age 85) will love making and wearing these. Thanks

    1. What a great idea and goes to show how there's no limit on age to enjoy them!!

  8. Such a great idea! I do this with my vintage buttons that I have found at Thrift Stores :)

    1. You could make some really great looks with vintage ones - I'd love to see yours!

  9. You are so clever! Just yesterday I was out to buy some cute hair accessories for my daughter and they seemed like such a rip off!
    Plus, now I have an excuse to go buy a bunch of super cute buttons!
    Love your blog! <3

    1. I hear you Heather - and that's the great thing about these too. When you're done using them for hair, just take the buttons off and they can be reused for something else!

  10. Those are so cute! Love it! Thanks for linking up to the Keep Calm and Link Up! Hope to see you back next week!

  11. so cute! thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop.xo

  12. Great tip! Thanks for sharing. My little girls are so quick to lose their hair accessories. This is a great way to dress them up for cheaper.

  13. This is marvelous! Genius! I love the simple and wonderful crafts. They are the best. Thanks for linking to Adorned from Above. Linda

    If you have any ornaments I'd love to have you link them to my Ornament Party. Thanks.

  14. You are so talented!! I have 3 little beauties that will love these!! We hope you will come back this week! Thanks so much for sharing at Wednesday's Adorned From Above Blog Hop. This weeks party starts at 12:01AM on Wednesday and runs through Sunday night. Have a great week.
    Debi, Joye and Myrna (The Busy Bee's), Linda (Two Succulent Sisters)

  15. oh and your are cuter! so there!!!

    btw. i have some strawberry and other really hair accessories on our blog as well. all of them pretty much free to make, and FUN TO MAKE. if you want to investigate ours, search for hair accessories.

  16. Great way to save some money and still have cute hair ties!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  17. Very cute Cheryl. Thanks so much for sharing at Wednesday's Adorned From Above Blog Hop. This weeks party is live. I hope to see you there.
    Debi, Joye and Myrna (The Busy Bee's)


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