
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Show What You've Got At The Craftastic Monday Link Party!

I hope everyone had a happy Halloween last week and is safe & sound after last week's horrendous weather.  I for one am really looking forward to things slowing down and getting some time for the good stuff: new projects!!  There were SO many fabulous links last week - my Craftastic Picks Pinterest board has been working overtime!

Here are some goodies from last week's party:

Live.Love.Create. shared this gorgeous quilt.  The colors are just amazing:

I couldn't help but smile when I saw these no-sew DIY My Little Pony costumes at Snickety Things.  My little girl is going to flip when she sees these (and want one of her own!):
Another fabulous project to make for the kids - a beautiful castle made from a diaper box at Little Ladybird:
And I squealed out loud when I saw this Lego sewing machine at 2 Little Superheroes.  I'm totally hitting up my guys to make one for my craft room!

If you're one of this week's features, be sure to grab my Featured On button over on the sidebar to let everyone know.  I also feature these projects and more party favorites on the Sew Can Do's Craftastic Picks board on Pinterest.  Follow me there to see more great projects (and if yours is one of them)!
Follow Me on Pinterest

And the Craftastic Blog of the Week is...

Little Ivy is the creation of Bec, a new mom in Australia who started her journey into becoming a domestic goddess after years working in a cubicle.  She shares some great experiences like how to make resin jewelry (how cool is that!?!), delicious & interesting baked goods and her gorgeous photography.  Last week she linked up this lemon cordial recipe:

How can YOU be Craftastic Blog of The Week,
 get a special feature here 
& one week of FREE advertising on my sidebar?  

  • Link up a new project(s)
  • Include the Craftastic Monday Party button in your post(s) or on your sidebar (a text link buried in a paragraph of parties or button on a separate party page doesn't count).  
  • Leave a comment below telling me what you linked so I can check it out
One blog that meets the criteria will be selected each week.  More details can be found HERE.
Ready to link up your crafty creations?

Party rules are simple:
  • As long as it's crafty, and made by you, it's Craftastic (no links to giveaways, shops, link parties or other people's work).  Add the link to your specific post (not the main page of your blog).
  • Grab my party button & put it on your post or blog somewhere.  The code's on the sidebar -> 
  • Check out some of the other fabulous links and share some crafty comment love.  We all love getting comments!!


  1. Thanks for hosting the party! There are always so many great links here.

    1. Thanks for joining in Mikaila - each week the links seem to get even more amazing!

  2. TFTP! I am following via Pin, FB & Twit now!

  3. Wow, Thanks for the feature of our castle! Tash

  4. A lot of cool crafts on you party! thanks for hosting!

  5. Thank you for hosting another awesome party.
    Have a wonderful week!

    Hugs from Portugal,

    Ana Love Craft

  6. Happy Monday, Cheryl, thanks for hosting :)

  7. Happy Monday! Thank you for hosting! ~ Angie @ The Dating Divas

  8. Thanks so much for hosting another great link party! ;-)

  9. Thanks so much for another party. I've linked up my super easy and super cheap Non-Toxic Produce/Veggie Cleaner (# one-zero-one). Save some money and unneccessary chemicals and make your own at home in a matter of seconds. I hope you enjoy~
    Rebekah @

  10. Thanks for the party. Have a great week!!

  11. Love that Lego sewing machine! LOL

    Thanks for hosting! Have a great week!
    Kristy @ Shona Skye Creations

  12. Another great party! Thanks for hosting!

    xo-Kimberly {allons-y kimberly}

  13. Thank you so much for featuring my quilt! That made my day!

  14. Thank you so much for hosting this. I have linked to you a few times and have been the benefactor to many new subscribers. I have enjoyed visiting and subscribing to your blog and others I have found through you. So again, thank you. Find me at:

    1. Ana, that is wonderful to hear! It really makes me happy to see the party is enjoyed and it's helped me discover great blogs like yours too:)

  15. Thanks for hosting the party. Looks like there is a lot to peruse and enjoy.. Linda

  16. Hi Cheryl,

    Thank you so much for featuring Little Ivy blog this week as Blog of the Week. I have been camping out in the Australian bush with no mobile reception and just came back to civilisation and saw this post. Wow!

    Thanks again for hosting such great parties.


  17. Hello!
    Thank you for hosting! I just linked my Little Red Dress to the party.
    And I am a new follower on GFC and Pinterest!
    See you next week :)

  18. Thanks for the party! I'm link no. 163. :)

    Mis Filimbianas

  19. #166. Thanks so much for hosting!


Getting your comments brightens my day. I'd love if you left one:)