
Sunday, December 2, 2012

Craftastic Monday Link Party & Trim The Tee Announcement

Happy Craftastic Monday Everyone!  We're ready to see you latest & greatest links, so start linking!  I also want to announce a new Sew Can Do feature for the month of December:

Trim The Tee will be a new Craft Along especially for the holidays.  Each week I'll have a new how-to for adding seasonal spice to a plain t-shirt, using basic craft supplies. They'll all be easy & inexpensive to make and feature designs that can be worn all winter long!  

This week's craft along will start on Wednesday and the theme will be gingerbread. There's even a special button to show you're taking part.  I hope you'll join me for Trim The Tree! 

Now let's see some goodies from last week's party:

Check out this awesome how-to shared by This Bountiful Backyard - make your own custom image transfers using packing tape.  Can't wait to try this one!!
Craftstorming showed her adorable miniature Christmas Cookie Advent Calendar and some handy cookie decorating tips:
Have more mini fun with these miniature snow globes at Twigg Studios:

I loved the beautiful simplicity of this wooden nativity from Serving Pink Lemonade:

If you're one of this week's features, be sure to grab my Featured On button over on the sidebar to let everyone know.  I also feature these projects and more party favorites on the Sew Can Do's Craftastic Picks board on Pinterest.     

There have been so many great holiday-theme projects linked, I've started adding a lot of them to my Helpful for the Holidays board there too!  Follow me there to see more great projects (and if yours is one of them)!

Follow Me on Pinterest

And the Craftastic Blog of the Week is...

Amanda is the creative mind behind the all-new One Crafty Mum. A mom of 3, writing from her home in Australia, she shares her loves of card making, scrapbooking, sewing, hand-stitching, cooking with new themes every day of the week.   Check out her recipe for easy finger paints and ribbon headbands.  Not only does she find time for this amazing craft blog, but she also runs The iMums, a review site for kid's apps.  Last week she linked this cute gingerbread man ornament (complete with bitten leg!):

How can YOU be Craftastic Blog of The Week,
 get a special feature here 
& one week of FREE advertising on my sidebar?  

  • Link up a new project(s)
  • Include the Craftastic Monday Party button in your post(s) or on your sidebar (a text link buried in a paragraph of parties or button on a separate party page doesn't count).  
  • Leave a comment below telling me what you linked so I can check it out
One blog that meets the criteria will be selected each week.  More details can be found HERE.
Ready to link up your crafty creations?

Party rules are simple:
  • As long as it's crafty, and made by you, it's Craftastic (no links to giveaways, shops, link parties or other people's work).  Add the link to your specific post (not the main page of your blog).
  • Grab my party button & put it on your post or blog somewhere.  The code's on the sidebar -> 
  • Check out some of the other fabulous links and share some crafty comment love.  We all love getting comments!!


  1. Thanks for hosting, Cheryl. Have a great week.

  2. I am happy to be linking here this week, thanks so much for this wonderful party. Happy Sunday!{Hugs}

  3. I hope you had a great weekend! Thanks for hosting!

  4. Hey Cheryl,
    Thanks so much for hosting every week.

  5. Thanks for hosting! Hope you have an awesome week!

    Kristy @ Shona Skye Creations

  6. Hi Cheryl!
    Thank you for hosting this party!
    I have decided to link up our traditional table cener piece in Croatia – Advent Corolla. It has 4 candles – symbols for 4 Sundays prior to Christmas. At every Sunday dinner, family lights up candles; this Sunday we will light first candle, next Sunday two etc… These candles are put out not by blowing but with piece of bread dipped in wine, usually done by the youngest in the house.
    I also link traditional Nativity scene placed under the Christmas tree. It is assembled at Christmas Eve by whole family. The figures of Three Wise Men travel slowely toward Jesus' crib untill Epiphany (Jan. 6th) when they meet Jesus.
    I hope you will like it!

    1. Ana - that tradition with the advent candles sounds so interesting. Will have to check that out!

  7. hi cheryl, thankyou so much for featuring my mini snow globes have a great week xxx

  8. Have a great week and thank you for the chance to link up! ~ Angie @ The Dating Divas

  9. Thank you for hosting a fun party!

  10. Linking up again this week - thanks for hosting :)
    Have a wonderful week!
    Hugs from Portugal,

    Ana Love Craft

  11. Thanks for hosting another super fun link party! :-)

  12. Thank you for hosting!

  13. Thanks for hosting! I linked my very first sewing project ever -- a doll dress made out of vintage fabric. I'm giving it to my daughter for Christmas. I had a lot of fun. :)


Getting your comments brightens my day. I'd love if you left one:)