Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Craft It Now Book Launch & Giveaway!

It's been a while since I've done an installment of Craft Book Corner and today I've got an extra special book to share.  Not only is it hot off the presses, but yours truly is also in it! It's called Craft It Now: 75+ Simple Handmade Projects:

This is the ideal book for when you feel like crafting, but don't want to take on something big or time-consuming.  Enjoyable, relaxing crafts for all skill levels:

You can find my Plush Chocolate Bunny project on pages 22-23.

My little guy even got a mention on the back cover:

There are over 75 fun & other fast crafty projects included in the book.  There's a bit of everything: sewing, crochet, polymer clay, paper, jewelry and loads of other crafty themes. 

All project patterns & templates are included in the book, as well as some basic sewing, crochet & knitting techniques and their US & UK terms.

It's a great book for someone new to crafting, someone who likes to try different things or just pick up some new ideas for favorite types of crafts:

I'm really proud to included and thrilled that I can finally tell you about it now that it's out.  It's a great feeling to walk in a bookstore, pull a book off the shelf and see my name in it:

You can buy Craft It Now in bookstores like Barnes and Noble, from online craft shops and on Amazon.

As a contributing author I got a few bonus copies that I've given to family members, but I have one more how about a....

Giveaway to a Sew Can Do reader!  

 photo CraftBookCorner_zps66807ba4.jpg    photo MayGiveawayDay_zpsb852cddd.jpg


  1. Anything sewing related. I love to sew because I use my grandmother's machine and my mom taught me how to sew, so it feels like a family past-time every time I pull out my machine :)

  2. Congrats on the book!
    Cross stitching will always be my favorite but I have a soft spot for so many things!

  3. That looks like such a fun book... Congratulations! I would love to win a copy!

  4. If I don't win it, I'll just have to buy it! I love fast and easy crafts that I can do, or that I can do with my kids at the Y!

    1. It's a great book - I'd say it even if I wasn't in it! And in case you don't win, you can click on the link to it in this post or on my sidebar to snag it for a great price on Amazon:)

  5. I love New books for inspiration.

  6. I love painting. And paper crafts. And yarn crafts. And jewelry making.
    Are there any I don't like?

  7. Congratulations on being published. Right now I am learning to make jewelry with seed beads but I am basically a quilter

  8. Congrats, Cheryl. The bunny project is great and I also purchased the book. Lots of cute ideas!

    1. Thanks so much and I know you'll find lots of fun things to make in it!

  9. How fun to have your creation published in this book! Congratulations! My favorite craft is sewing. I love to play with colors and fabrics to create unique things.

  10. Sewing, of course! Anything that's quick and easy is my favorite.

  11. I love all kinds of crafting but my favorite right now is making personalized stenciled subway art signs. Thanks for a great giveaway.

  12. YAY! Everyone needs a plush bunny!! Kuddos to you lady!

    1. I couldn't agree more! Thanks and good luck in the giveaway!!

  13. Congratulations on being a contributing author to this book! Great job ;o) Great giveaway, too! I will post it on my blog and on my FB page and link back here. I'm just stopping by from the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop at Katherine's Corner. I've been away from my online projects for a while as a result of my JOB, but will soon be back at work here full-time so would love to catch up with you again next week at the blog hop. I would also love to include your giveaway in the summer issue of our online Christian women's magazine, Ruby for Women, but I see that it ends in four days. Do you have another giveaway coming up that we can promote? Let me know if you are interested! Thanks so much, Nina @ mamas*little*treasures and Ruby for Women @

    1. Thanks so much for the support & shout-outs. I have a few things planned for the coming months so I'll be sure to let you know when I have the timing set on them Nina.

  14. How exciting to be in a new book! Thanks for sharing it on the Thursday Blog hop! And congratulations!

  15. .Lovely giveaway,thank you for the chance to win it.This is so generous of you.congratulations,you must be so proud.Crochet is my love and sewing also.Have a lovely week.

  16. I love quilting, but any type of sewing really!

  17. sewing and yarning!

  18. I like just about anything that has to do with fiber. Knit, Sew, stitch, quilt, crochet, it all. The best part is that you usually end up with something you can actually use!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Crocheting and hand sewing are my faves.

  21. Cheryl, the book looks fabulous. You should be so proud. Gosh I would be so proud to be in a book. Congratulations on such a great accomplishment.

  22. Quilting is my favorite but after that I love making cards :)

  23. If your giveaway is for the US only you posted it in the wrong place on SewMamaSew

    1. My giveaway fits under "Supplies" in the Sew Mama Sew listings. They note that the giveaway post must state if you ship internationally or not (which mine says as US Only in the Rafflecopter form). The other category is called "Handmade - US Only" and this prize is definitely not handmade.

  24. My favorite type of craft is quilting!

  25. Great giveaway, thank you. My favourite is stiteries.

  26. For a while now, my favorite craft is crochet, but I also like to sew (usually things that are useful, but I want to get back into sewing clothes). I also love paper crafts...

  27. I love to sew especially for my nieces and nephew.

  28. I'm mostly a knitter, occasionally crochet, and I'm getting sucked into the wonderful world of quilting.

  29. Hands down, my favorite craft is sewing!
    Sweet giveaway! Thanks!

  30. This is very generous of you. This is a book to keep and add to your quilting library. Thank you for being a part of the Sew Mama Sew Giveaway and the opportunity to win this book.

    Sandi Timmons

  31. Sewing is my favorite. I love making bags but I enjoy clothing and household gear as well. I've also dappled in other crafts as inspired by random tutorials. This book looks like fun!

  32. That bunny is so cute! I would love to make one myself.

  33. quilting, but I like to sew simple bags and garments :D

  34. I love anything with stitches! Although I can't figure out crochet for the life of me... Been told it is easier than knitting (but they lied! LOL!).

  35. I'm a quilter and I also love to cross-stitch.

  36. I like hand sewing and quilting the best.

  37. Right now I love to cross stitch.

  38. I love to sew...and am really into making dolls right now. I like to crochet, and quilt a little bit too. I love it all!

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway

  39. No clear favorite. It just depends on my mood, money and time.

  40. Hi! My favorite type of craft is making wreaths. I also make quite a few different types of pillows. Fun! Thank-you for this giveaway!

  41. Too many to list! Felt applique and beaded cross stitch are probably to forerunners right now. Congratulations on getting your project in the book. Thanks you for this chance to win the book.

  42. I have to say crocheting is my favorite, but I really do like all crafts.

  43. I love making modern quilts. Thanks for the lovely giveaway.

  44. I love all crafts but things to do with mess and myhands are the best!!!

  45. Anything to do with buttons. I love decorating things with buttons. I buy them by the pound.

  46. you've posted this in the "willing to ship internationally" category, but then it says US only...?

    1. Sew Mama Sew incorrectly labeled the category for Supplies - US only as Handmade so it was unclear where to list this because it's obviously not handmade. I've alerted them and since moved my giveaway.

  47. Sewing and quilting, and knitting. Thanks for the chance!

  48. My favorite craft so far is quilting. But, I like sewing purses, kid's clothes, dolls, plush, and household items. Also, I am recently adventuring into polymer clay, which is very fun! I am interested to try knitting, though that may have to wait a bit...

  49. I love sewing small projects and this book looks perfect. Thanks for the giveaway!

  50. My favourite craft is sewing - I like to make stuffed toys for my kids and now I'm on my 2nd quilt too. Congratulations on being featured in the book.

  51. Sewing is my favorite craft but I also really enjoy doing embroidery.

  52. Sewing! Clothing and quilting. Thanks!

  53. i love to sew children's clothing the most :)

  54. I love nerd crafts-- my sisters and i use different mediums to make super hero inspired crafts together-- jewelry, bags, hats, art and frames

  55. Quilting and knitting are my favorite crafts, but I like just about everything else too!

  56. I like paper crafting and knitting.

  57. Congratulations!!
    Thank you for the giveaway opportunity
    My favorite craft usually involves a glue gun LOL

  58. Right now my favorite craft is knitting

  59. I love sewing anything!

  60. It's a tie between sewing and upcycling!

  61. Great, I'm looking for support by sewing/crafting, book would be a suppot.

  62. My favorite type of craft is jewelry making :) Thanks so much for the linky! -Kristen

  63. My favorite type of craft is working with wool applique, such as penny rugs. Congratulations!! You must be just so please to have your sweet project published in this book. Yay!!!

  64. My favourite type of craft... probably quilting any baby related item! Thanks for the opportunity to win and congrats on getting the book published!

  65. My favorite craft would have to be sewing. I began making my own clothes at age 13 and I'm now 65!

  66. Cheryl your Plush Chocolate Bunny project is so adorable......I would almost take a bite pretending it's real chocolate.....��

    By the way I love all kinds of crafts myself..always in for new things.....never say I can't ....if you don't sure can't!
    I hope the book is a crafting HIT (after this much attention �� I must buy the book) and that a lot of people going to try .....your Chocolate Bunny Way ☺
    Crafty Greetings from The Netherlands

    1. Thanks so much & I hope so too! This book is really great for those of us who like to do a lot of different kinds of crafts. There's a little of everything in it.


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