
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Big Big News: I'm Designing Some Shoes!!

I've got some creative news I'm super excited to share - I'm going to be designing some shoes!!  Last month I shared a few posts telling about the LUV Footwear Open Call Contest and showed my own shoe design entries.  Guess what happened?  I won!  Two of my designs have been chosen to be made into LUV Dream Flats that will be sold worldwide. It's just been announced on the LUV Footwear Facebook page (I found out a few days ago, but was sworn to secrecy until the big reveal).  To say I'm honored & thrilled is an understatement.

These are my winning designs that will become real shoes you'll be able to buy & wear:

My LUV Gummy Bear Dream Flat....

and my jaunty, nautical themed, "Ahoy" stripe:

The "Ahoy!" sailing-style shoe was inspired by my 5 Minute Nautical Clutch tutorial.  I cannot wait to wear them together and be able to proudly say I designed them both.

I want to say a big thank you to those of you that voted for my designs in the public Facebook voting portion.  My two and two others from talented designer, Elisia Morgani, were chosen from a combination of Facebook votes, LUV Ambassador votes, and staff selection.  

I'll keep you up to date on when these babies are finalized and become available for purchase.  I'm really looking forward to working with the LUV product development team to create them.  I'll even get to see my name on the packaging & featured on the LUV Footwear site.  It's a real dream come true for this designer! 

And in the meantime, you can use my discount code CBLUV20 if you want to save 20% off the regular price of any of the current shoes available at LUV Footwear.  Woohoo for fun shoes:)


  1. Oh that´s so cool, congratulations! They probably won´t be for sale in my part of the world, but the Ahoy ones are to die for :-)

    1. Thanks and from what I've been told, they'll be available worldwide, so the Ahoy pair could be in your future!

  2. Congratuations. I love ALL of your designs and wish I could buy each one!!!!!!!!

    1. Thanks - I'll announce as soon as they're available. 2 out of 3 submissions making it is even better than I'd hoped!

  3. Yay for you! You had my vote and I am very happy you won. I felt like I won too because now I can get a pair of each.

    1. Thanks so much Elena! And that makes me feel doubly thrilled to hear you'll be getting some when they come out:)

  4. Congratulations! Your gummi bear design is beyond cute~

    1. It was my favorite. I don't know if I'm more excited to be able to wear those or for the chance to design shoes!

  5. Congrats! I luv the gummies one! I voted for all of your entries so glad you had two win! Can't wait to buy a pair or three :)

    1. Aw thanks so much - that means a lot to me!!


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