
Sunday, August 31, 2014

A Labor Day Craftastic Monday Link Party!

Happy Labor Day everyone!  We're enjoying a last chance getaway to say goodbye to summer.  I hope you're all enjoying the extended weekend too.  If you've been busy working on something link it up below so we can all see!

There's still time to enter my Groovy Lab in a Box Giveaway for a fun & crafty STEM activity set for kids too (open to US & Canada).

FREE advertising for  your blog/crafty shop!

After linking your latest project posts below, head over to the Sew Can Do Facebook page to join in the Craftastic Monday Mixer.  It's a way to let even more people see your site or its FB page and find some new sites you might love at the same time.

How It Works:
Instead of a specific post, share your blog, crafty shop or Facebook page link on the Sew Can Do FB page.  More exposure for your crafty site every week!  Click HERE to go link up now!
Now let's see some Craftastic picks..

Make a beautiful rainbow dress with this great tutorial from Threading My Way:

The Inspired Wren shared this cute crochet planter cover how-to:

Make some space-inspired galaxy bark with this recipe from Life With The Crusts Cut Off:

Check out this sweet pink lemonade-themed birthday party from PA County Crafts:

If you're one of this week's features, be sure to grab my Featured On button over on my Buttons Page to share the good news.  

I also feature these projects on Sew Can Do's Craftastic Picks Pinterest board 
AND share each of them on Twitter too for even MORE exposure!

Follow me there to see more great projects (and see if yours is one of them)!   
Follow Me on Pinterest

Ready to link up your crafty creations?

Party rules are simple:
  • As long as it's crafty, and made by you, it's Craftastic (no links to giveaways, shops, link parties or other people's work).  Add the link to your specific post (not the main page of your blog).
  • Grab my party button & put it on your post or blog somewhere.  The code can be found HERE.
  • Check out some of the other fabulous links and share some crafty comment love.  We all love getting comments!!


    An InLinkz Link-up


  1. Thanks for featuring my Rainbow Maxi Dress, Cheryl. Have a great week!

  2. Your linky has changed. It won't let me link unless I am a Blogger user, and I am not. Did you change something? I don't do Facebook. Sorry,
    Carole @ From My Carolina Home.

    1. No, it hasn't changed - I was missing the InLinkz code in the post and didn't realize it while I was away on vacation. It's now up and working as normal.

  3. Replies
    1. The party link is up - my mistake missing some of the code!

  4. I don't see it either, I will try and stop back by. Yeah holiday!

    1. Thanks for your patience Mindie - the party code is now up & working!

  5. I don't see the link. Happy labor Day! Lou Lou Girls

    1. Happy Labor Day Kimberly! Looks like me celebrating the holiday means I spent an entire day without realizing I was missing the link party code! It's up and working now though:)

  6. Replies
    1. A bit late (since I didn't realize the code was missing), but it's up & working now and will stay open through Friday night as always:)

  7. Oh good, it's not just me. I'll stop by again tomorrow :-)

    1. It's up Patra - just got back and realized my mistake. Link away!!

  8. I see the link now! Thank you for the party!

    1. Yay Annie!! Thanks for joining in and I can't wait to see all the links this week:)

  9. Thanks so much for the feature and for hosting the party!

  10. Just back from our fun weekend vacation! Hope yours was awesome! Thanks for hosting us!


Getting your comments brightens my day. I'd love if you left one:)