
Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Cuddly Costume PDF Pattern Pack Giveaway!

Want to make some Halloween costumes that are cute, cuddly and a bit more unique than the usual store-bought patterns?  Then today's giveaway is for you!  I'm giving away some prize packs of my most popular PDF patterns that will make your little ones look adorable and stay warm this Halloween.  TWO winners will get each of the following patterns from my shop:

The cuddly and comfy Dynamite Dinosaur Cape Pattern....

Fierce or friendly, this dinosaur look is fun and can be worn over any outfit - even coats:

It's easy to customize in your favorite colors and offers a fully lined design, complete with spiked tail and dinosaur "teeth":

There's also the Little Space Vader Hat Pattern for an iconic Star Wars-style fleece helmet:

This cuddly hat design is sure to draw smiles and command people to "come to the cute side".  Paired with basic black clothes, it's an instant costume look.

And there are the coordinating Space Princess Gown and Space Princess Hairdo Hat Patterns for a complete intergalactic costume:

Now every little lady (even the bald ones) can have the iconic bun hairdo:

And the gown pattern has a great alternative use as an angel costume too:

All these patterns are available in my shop, The Green Hedgehog for those who want to make 'em right away.  

To get a chance to win all 4 of these PDF patterns, 
just enter below:

Costume Pattern Giveaway!


  1. I know a little boy who would love your dinosaur cape!

  2. I know a little boy who would love your dinosaur cape!

  3. the Dynamite Dinosaur Cape is my absolute fav, but they are all AWESOME

  4. I love the dynamite dinosaur - cutest pattern ever.

  5. All three are fantastic for many ocassions (Dress Up, Halloween, Party) so.....I don't pick any.....! Just let me enjoy your creative view Cheryl! 😄

  6. My favorite is the Space Princess but they are all adorable, thanks for the chance to win.

  7. Love the Vader hat!

  8. Thank you for this opportunity. I don't do Halloween, but I know a lot of family those dino capes could cover!

  9. The hair do cap and dino cape are very cute!

  10. TOUGH choice to pick one. I have thought that hairdo hat was just too cute since the first time I saw it a few years ago. The Space Vader hat is super cute as well. But, I just love Dynamite Dinosaur Cape is just adorable and I can see the grandkids loving that one and wearing it for a long time.

  11. Oh my... How cute are those? I just stumbled over your blog and I abolutely adore that Litte Space Vader Hat! You just have to love it :-) I wish I could go back in time and wear one of those. Thanks for the giveaway, it's a great chance!
    All the best

  12. These are so cute! Thanks for the chance!

  13. These are so cute! Thanks for the chance!

  14. So adorable! I love the dinosaur cape.

  15. So adorable! I love the dinosaur cape.

  16. Space Princess is adorable! Love the hairdo hat, what fun. I can see both of the others being popular at my place too.


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