
Friday, April 3, 2020

The New Normal With Crafting

Well, when winter was ending I'd expected to jump into some lovely new spring & Easter projects.  I'd figured there would be a little time when my new baby & toddler slept and there were a few quiet moments again....

  Except baby's had some issues that have required her being held upright most of the time.  And requires medications being given 6 times a day - in between feedings that are just as frequent.  My newly turned 2 yr old is now a full time tornado, that gets into anything and everything, so any free hand I have is frequently cleaning up messes or keeping him from swinging from the chandelier.  There are still 3 big kids needing homeschooling too - one is supposed to be graduating in a few months so taking a month or two off isn't an option.  Plus, running my fabric shop.  And there's a pandemic going on outside.  My usual handmade Easter outfits & spring decorations haven't rated on the list of things to do.     

Each day there's about enough time to shower, tend to the kiddies needs and fill the flurry of shop orders before the day is done and I wonder where the hours have gone.  To be honest, seeing so many people stumped on how to fill their time being "stuck" at home is hard to relate to.  Since coming home from the hospital the first week of February, I've left the house about 5 times and most of those were for doctor's appointments.  8 weeks of "sheltering-in-place" already and the idea of down time is still elusive.  

I'm very grateful that we're healthy, all together and doing ok, but time to craft & sew feels like a distant memory.  As does leaving the house (apart from walks).  

Our only outings these days

Yet, like the stresses and uncertainty of the pandemic going on outside, I know this too shall pass.  I feel very blessed that while life is busy, it is still very good here.  Which is a helpful reminder when things feel overwhelming or frustrating. 

Sisterly love
So, in the meantime, I'll share a few past favorite seasonal projects soon in an easy to peruse round-up or two and get to writing up a few new things that got done before all the madness began.  As the new routine settles in and my littlest one finally turns a corner with her extra needs (which thankfully should get better as she grows), I'm sure moments of quiet will re-appear and life will seem less harried.  I'm grateful for all of you who've kept on reading & joining in my Craftastic Monday Link Party despite my lack of lots to share lately.  

Here's to spring bringing the rays of light we all need!


  1. Dear Girl I'm sure thinking of creative things gives you sort of an outlet too. But to everything there is a season....this is your season to grow your family! With the added stress of illness all around you give yourself every break you possibly can.

  2. It is what it is. Enjoy where you are at--I'm sure you know how fast time flies with little ones. Crafting will always be there, your little kiddos won't always be so little!
    Pamela ~ DIY Vibes


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