
Wednesday, February 1, 2023

A Moment of Feeling Craft Store Famous

I'll be the first to admit there hasn't been a whole lotta crafting going on chez Sew Can Do recently.  Business & family needs have made crafting a lower priority since my fabric shop and dueling toddlers burst onto the scene, but many moons ago I was crafting like crazy.  I used to do a good bit of professional pattern designing for brands and publications back in the day too, like this April Showers Quilt Pattern I created as a freelance designer for Pellon about a decade ago.  I did a number of projects for them and this one was for National Quilting Month (which is March):

I was at my local Hobby Lobby last weekend with my entire entourage of 5 kids & husband, finally getting supplies for some new crafts I'm aiming to tackle soon.  And when I went to grab a package of Wonder-Under I and discovered this very project front & center on it:

 It was a huge surprise to see my creation (and the photo of it I took in my foyer) right there in the notions department at a huge chain store!  This project has been a PDF download on their website for a long time and made the rounds on their social media when I first designed it, but having it on the front of an actual product package felt a little surreal.  

Seeing my little quilt has stood the test of time (being 10yrs+ after it was designed) was really amazing too. 

You can get the free pdf pattern HERE.  If I were making this again I'd probably try doing a pastel version or use some small prints with rain-themed designs like clouds, rain coats, boots, umbrellas...maybe even frogs to really bring out the "April Showers" theme!  If anyone wants to try it, I'd LOVE to see how it turns out:)  


  1. Oh my goodness, how exciting that must have felt! I love that. And, the project is adorable!

  2. That is so cool! You are "craft store famous"!

  3. This is awesome!! Congratulations! I will be on the look out next time I visit Hobby Lobby.



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